Jubi Frankfurt


Holding Time:2017-12-02 to 2017-11-02

Ubicación justa:Gymnasium Riedberg Friedrich-Dessauer-Str. 2, 60438 Frankfurt, Hesse, Germany Exhibition centres in Frankfurt Sights & Attractions in Frankfurt


Fair Organizer:Weltweiser

Resumen de la exposición

The youth education fair Jubi in Frankfurt offers the possibility to inform about various facets of stays abroad. To give you an overview of the most prestigious programs such as student exchanges, High School stays, Education, Au Pair, Work & Travel, volunteer services and internships abroad education experts, agencies and organizers from all around Germany will be there to answer your questions. The onsultation is held personally at the stands of exhibitors by education experts and former program participants.

The Jubi will take place on Saturday, 02. December 2017 in Frankfurt.

Información del contacto

Tel:+49 (0)2306 978113

Fax:+49 (0)2306 978114


Debido a que parte de la información de la exhibición proviene de la publicación y la red de miembros, no podemos garantizar la precisión y autenticidad de la información. Por favor, póngase en contacto con nosotros si tiene alguna pregunta.

Today Expo


Pronóstico de la Expo

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