RE:Beyond the U.S.! Brazil set to become world's largest corn exporter
"jintengflag published on 2023-11-02 09:34:31
According to a recent report by EFE, businesspeople consulted by EFE agree that Brazil has surpassed the United States as the world's largest exporter of corn this year, as corn production continues to increase and available arable land remains. Moreover, thanks to its huge potential, Brazil is in a position to eventually replace the United States.  According to a number of Brazilian industry associations, unless the U.S. changes its export policy to stimulate exports, the growing surplus of Brazil is in a position to continue to remain the world's largest supplier of corn for many years to come.  According to the Ministry of Agriculture, Brazil harvested a record 130 million tons of corn in the 2022-2023 harvest, up 14.88% from the previous harvest (2021-2022); this increased Brazilian exports by 7.23% to more than 50 million tons.  In the United States, the drought caused a reduction in the corn harvest from 380 million tons to 340 million tons, forcing a reduction in its exports to 41 million tons.  Brazilian industry experts believe that the U.S. has three times the production capacity of Brazil, so the U.S. could become the largest exporter again at any time.  However, for that to happen, the U.S. would have to change its policies and place more emphasis on foreign sales, as it is also the largest consumer of food and has a strong corn ethanol industry.  In the long run, experts say, Brazil will hold its position as a major exporter, thanks to its great potential to expand production.  According to experts, Brazil's corn acreage is growing at an average rate of 1 million hectares per year (and will reach 22 million hectares by 2023), while U.S. acreage has remained between 30 and 35 million hectares over the past decade.  Experts believe that Brazil may secure its place as the world's largest supplier in the future, thanks to its growing production, planted area and, above all, productivity.  According to data from industry associations, Brazil has doubled its corn acreage from 13 million hectares in 2010 to 22 million hectares in 2022, while production has tripled from 56 million tons in 2010 to 130 million tons in 2022, according to data from industry associations.  This is thanks to a huge jump in its productivity, with corn yields per hectare increasing from 4,310 kilograms in 2010 to 5,885 kilograms in 2023.  As a result, Brazil went from being a marginal exporter (7 million tons in 2020) to a world leader in maize exports: 10.8 million tons in 2010, 33.4 million tons in 2020 and 55 million tons in 2023."