Reporter 10 from the China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing was informed that in September China's e-commerce logistics index was 112.3 points, an increase of 1.2 points over the previous month.

  The growth rate of total business volume of e-commerce logistics changed from a decline to a rise. in September, the index of total business volume of e-commerce logistics was 123.9 points, an increase of 2.5 points from the previous month. The total business volume index improved in the eastern, central and northeastern regions.

  The growth rate of rural e-commerce logistics business volume stopped falling and rebounded. in September, the rural e-commerce logistics business volume index was 129.4 points, an increase of 2.2 points from the previous month. The rural e-commerce logistics business volume index improved in the eastern, central and northeastern regions.

  The load factor index (reflecting the volume of freight vehicles loaded in the process of e-commerce logistics transportation) hit a record high. in September, the load factor index rose by 0.8 points from a year earlier to 116.9 points, the highest level since the release of this index. The supply efficiency of e-commerce logistics companies steadily improved.


  The Satisfaction Rate Index and Personnel Index (reflecting the size of the e-logistics workforce) continued to rise. in September, the Satisfaction Rate Index stood at 101.5 points, an increase of 0.2 points from the previous month and the fourth consecutive month of increase. The Personnel Index stood at 112.8 points, up 1.4 points from the previous month and up for the sixth consecutive month.

  Performance Index and Inventory Turnover Index expanded. in September, the Performance Index and Inventory Turnover Index increased by 0.7 points and 1.3 points respectively from the previous month, with the rate of increase expanding by 0.5 points and 1 point from last month. The supply capacity of e-commerce logistics enterprises improved rapidly.

  In the third quarter, e-commerce logistics picked up in fluctuation, and e-commerce logistics picked up more obviously in September, and the relevant indicators on both the supply and demand sides further expanded. From the demand side, in the school season and the "double festival" approaching and other factors, e-commerce logistics total business volume index and rural business volume index to achieve a sharp rise, ending the downward trend for two consecutive months, in September, the total business volume index and the rural business volume index reached 123.9 points and 129.4 points, a new record high for the year, the rural business volume index has returned to the epidemic level. The rural business volume index has been restored to the level before the epidemic; from the supply side, the inventory turnover index, fulfillment rate index, satisfaction rate index, and load factor index have been rising continuously, and the load factor index has hit the highest value in history.

  Overall, the demand for e-commerce logistics has improved significantly, and the supply capacity and efficiency of e-commerce logistics enterprises have steadily improved, with a number of indicators located at historically high levels. In the latter part of the year, as the National Day and Mid-Autumn Festival holidays are successfully concluded, the demand for e-commerce logistics for tourism, outdoor, gifts and other e-commerce logistics continues to rise, which will drive the smooth operation of e-commerce logistics.