With the formation of the new Thai government, the government will also increase its efforts to improve the country's soft power culture, thus establishing the National Soft Power Strategy Committee, which is chaired by Prime Minister Sae Tha and vice-chaired by Pheu Thai family chief Pheu Dong Than, and which held its first meeting on October 3rd.

          Two important policies were proposed at the meeting: One Family One Soft Power (OFOS) and Thailand Creative Content Agency (THACCA). Both policies aim to support the creative industry by providing training on skills and are expected to create 20 million jobs, generating an estimated 4 trillion baht in annual revenue for the country.

The two initiatives will be implemented in three phases:


          The first phase, aimed at enriching the country's human resources, will invest funds to enable 20 million children, adults and elderly people to receive free training in villages and communities. These trainings will cover a variety of fields, including food, Muay Thai, art, performance, music, design, fashion and e-sports.

The second phase will focus on enhancing Thailand's competitiveness in 11 soft power areas, including food, sports, cultural festivals, tourism, music, literature, film, gaming, art and design, and fashion.THACCA will provide a full range of support such as research and development funding and tax incentives, and set up Thai Creativity and Design Centers (TCDCs) in each province to broaden the impact of creativity and learning environments.

The third phase will be to organize large-scale events at the international level through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Commerce to enhance the influence of Thailand's soft power on the global stage.


         At the conference, the timelines for these three phases were also planned:

1. within the first 100 days (as of January 2024), the Community and Urban Fund will open registration to the public, and educational institutions will begin to improve the Creative Skills Development Centers (CSDCs) and propose relevant legislation.

2. Within six months (as of April 2024) is the phase of developing individuals through the Creative Skills Development Centers, while the bill on Thailand's Creative Content Agency will be advanced to Parliament for debate. In addition, Thailand will organize celebrations of famous festivals such as Songkran and promote its cultural activities globally.

3. Within one year (as of October 2024), at least one million skilled individuals will be trained and efforts will be made to advance the Thai Creative Content Agency Bill to be passed with the support of the Senate.