October 8, in Guangxi Beibu Gulf of Qinzhou Railway Container Center Station, a train full of Indonesia shortening, Vietnam sweet potato starch, Hainan coconut juice and other 110 containers of sea-rail intermodal train, along the western provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) and ASEAN countries to build a new western land and sea corridor all the way to the north, sailing to the unity of the village station in Chongqing.

  This is the 30,000th sea-rail intermodal train of the Western Land-Sea New Corridor. In order to connect the "Belt and Road", to promote the development of western China to form a new pattern, April 28, 2017, the western land and sea new channel sea-rail intermodal liner first train successfully launched, and quickly enter the development of the "fast lane".

  "Previously, this station is just a supporting facility of Qinzhou Bonded Port Area, 3 lanes, 2 people on duty, only one or two freight trains issued every week." Huang Jiangnan, stationmaster of Qinzhou Port East Station, introduced that with the deepening of the construction of the new western land and sea corridor, the station has developed into an international cargo hub station with 12 strands, 43 employees, and about 20 sea-railway intermodal trains arriving and departing every day.

  Data show that the western land and sea new channel sea-rail intermodal liner from 178 columns in 2017 to 8,820 columns in 2022, an increase of 49 times, maintaining an annual growth of more than 30%; 2023 will exceed 9,000 columns.

  The first 10,000 columns took 1,461 days, the second 10,000 columns took 487 days, and the third 10,000 columns took only 397 days. Under the guidance of the "Belt and Road" initiative, the new western land and sea corridor sea-railway intermodal transportation liner has made great progress, and has become a fast-developing international liner in China. Guangxi has become the key node of this channel and the gateway of land and sea interchange because of its advantage of neighboring with ASEAN countries.


  Li Hongfeng, director of the operation department of Guangxi Beibu Gulf International Intermodal Transportation Development Co., Ltd, said, "Now, from Cambodian rice to Thai perfumed coconut and mangosteen, as well as Vietnamese passion fruit and glutinous rice, and Brazilian frozen beef, more and more agricultural products from ASEAN and other countries are entering China's market through the new land and sea corridor, and have become 'regulars' on the consumer's table. '. China's new energy, new materials, electromechanical products and other products are transported abroad seamlessly by rail and sea using the integrated customs clearance model."

  According to statistics, in 2022, the total import and export trade of provinces and regions along the western land and sea new channel through Guangxi ports exceeded 500 billion yuan (RMB, the same below), a record high; in the first half of 2023, it has accumulated more than 290 billion yuan, an increase of nearly 50%, with an obvious radiation-driven effect.

  After years of construction, the new western land and sea corridor has developed from "a line" to "a network", basically forming the east, middle and west of the three main roads, as well as iron and sea intermodal transportation, international railroad intermodal transportation, highway shuttles in three logistics forms. The service scope has been radiated to China's 18 provinces, 69 cities, 138 sites, "a price" line to 152, so that China's western provinces (autonomous regions and cities) to the south through Guangxi, Yunnan and other coastal ports to reach the world, than through the eastern part of the time required to go to the sea has been significantly shortened. Transportation categories from the initial dozens of ceramics, plates, etc., increased to the current grain, auto parts, new materials and other more than 940 categories. Beibu Gulf Port in Guangxi opened 76 domestic and foreign trade container routes, through the port's existing route network can reach the global container ports, the radiation coverage of more than 100 countries and regions in more than 200 ports.

  Thanks to this, in recent years, choose to settle in Guangxi Beibu Gulf Economic Zone of the new channel along the enterprise is also increasing. Whether it is Guangxi Huayi Energy Chemical Co., Ltd. in Qinzhou, PetroChina Guangxi Petrochemical Company's Refining and Chemical Integration Transformation and Upgrading Project Base, or Beihai's Huike Electronic Industrial Park, Sun Paper, Xinyi Glass, or Fangchenggang's iron and steel, copper electrolysis, refined edible vegetable oil, etc., the heads of the enterprises have all said, "The regional advantages and business environment here attract us! ".

  Expert analysis pointed out that the new western land and sea corridor to the internal stimulation of economic development, external partners to join hands with the "Belt and Road" partners to share new opportunities for development, as a logistics corridor and economic corridor, for the preservation of the chain to stabilize the chain provides a new option.