According to Yonhap News Agency reported on the 6th, the British shipbuilding and shipping industry analysts Clarkson released the same day, South Korea's shipbuilders in September received orders far less than China, the global share of 6%, ranked second; and China to 82% of the first.

  Yonhap News Agency reported that the global ship orders in September was 1.86 million correction gross tons (CGT), a year-on-year decrease of 59%. Among them, Korean companies took orders for 120,000 CGT (4 ships), accounting for about 6%, ranking second globally. China undertook 1.53 million CGT (62 ships), accounting for about 82%, with an absolute advantage in the lead. In addition, the global cumulative ship orders from January to September this year amounted to 30.14 million CGT (1,196 ships), a year-on-year decrease of 23%. Among them, South Korea and China received orders of 7.42 million CGT (168 ships) and 17.99 million CGT (726 ships), accounting for about 25% and 60% respectively. As of the end of September, the global total amount of hand-held orders decreased by 360,000 CGT from the previous year to 122.19 million CGT. 39.44 million CGT (32%) and 58.15 million CGT (48%) were hand-held by South Korea and China, respectively.


  South Korea's Global Economy News said that the gap between South Korea's shipbuilding industry and China's shipbuilding industry order intake is getting wider and wider, and South Korea's shipbuilding industry in how to fight for new orders is lighting up the red light. South Korea's "Asian Economic" report will point the finger at the country's "lack of manpower, technological advantage is no longer". According to the report, South Korea shipbuilding marine industry human resources development committee data released in May this year, South Korea in 2014 about 200,000 shipbuilding manpower, last November was sharply reduced to 95,000 people. 2014 after the fall in international oil prices led to South Korea's shipbuilders, the main customer orders fell sharply, the production post manpower shrinking significantly. At the same time, young Koreans have shown an avoidance of shipbuilding. In addition, the gap between China and South Korea is narrowing in terms of high value-added shipbuilding technology, which is regarded as the competitiveness of Korean shipbuilders. South Korea's global market share of high value-added ships declined from 65 percent in 2020 to 57 percent last year, while China rose from 23 percent to 39 percent.

  Navy military expert Li Jie told the "Global Times" reporter on the 6th, China and South Korea in the field of shipbuilding orders accounted for more and more gap, the reasons are mainly the following aspects: first, the world shipbuilding industry in the past presents China, Japan and South Korea three-legged dichotomy situation, and now China by virtue of the most complete industrialization system, the development of the shipbuilding aspect of the development speed is obviously faster; Secondly, the sea is an important strategic direction of China, China in the construction of the navy Secondly, the ocean is China's important strategic direction, China in the construction of the navy has devoted a lot of effort, the development of the navy also promotes the development of the shipbuilding industry; Finally, compared with China, South Korea is not only a small amount of shipbuilding, while the pace of technological innovation is also slow, the world more and more in favor of technology and experience is becoming increasingly rich in China's shipbuilding industry.


  South Korea's Hanyang University Professor Li Zhenghuan recently accepted South Korea's YTN TV interview, said that with South Korea's rising labor costs and other reasons, container ships, bulk carriers and other orders are taken by China. In particular, the technological progress of China's shipbuilding industry, further enhancing the advantages in the manufacture of low value-added ships. South Korea is now focusing on the manufacture of high value-added liquefied natural gas ships, in which South Korea still has a technological advantage.